Management Skills
Years of Experience Professional Skill Level

efficiency Building Efficiency 10 Years Advanced
cost cutting Cost Cutting 10 Years Advanced
waste reduction Waste Reduction 10 Years Advanced
Client Employee Training 10 Years Advanced
professional Team Leadership 10 Years Advanced
business accumen Meetings & Seminars 10 Years Advanced
desicion Decision Making 10 Years Advanced
Communication Communication 10 Years Advanced
initiative Initiative 10 Years Advanced
presentation Presentation 10 Years Advanced
high performance High Performance Work Ethic 10 Years Advanced
professional High Level Professionalism 10 Years Advanced
speaking Public Speaking 10 Years Advanced
negotiation Workflow Systems Creation 10 Years Advanced
processing Process Systems Creation 10 Years Advanced
puzzle Problem Solving 10 Years Advanced
implimentation Conflict Resolution 10 Years Advanced
emergency Crisis Resolution 10 Years Advanced
negotiation Employee Negotiation 10 Years Advanced
diagnostic Performance Evaluation 10 Years Advanced
test Proficiency Testing 10 Years Advanced
rapport Relationship Building 10 Years Advanced
financeintelle Financial Intelligence 10 Years Advanced
strategy Expert Strategist 10 Years Advanced
Analysis & Forecasting
Years of Experience

Professional Skill Level

report Reporting 10 Years Advanced
data Predictive Analyisis 10 Years Advanced
emergency Crisis Prediction 10 Years Advanced
negotiation Employee Management 10 Years Advanced
utilities-5 Budgeting for Utilities 10 Years Advanced
equiment Budgeting for Equipment 10 Years Advanced
negotiation Budgeting for Employees 10 Years Advanced
negotiation Workflow Analyisis 10 Years Advanced
Funnel Bottleneck Identification & Resolution 10 Years Advanced
Business Management
Years of Experience

Professional Skill Level

aarowup Business Growth 10 Years Advanced
aarow down Business Reduction 10 Years Advanced
vendor Vendor Negotiation 10 Years Advanced
emp1 Management From 75-150 Employees 10 Years Advanced
emp2 Management From 150-300 Employees 10 Years Advanced
emp2 Management From 300-550 Employees 10 Years Advanced
Project Management
Years of Experience

Professional Skill Level

Project Microsoft Project 10 Years Advanced
patience Time Management 10 Years Advanced
prioritize Prioritizing 10 Years Advanced
sales Budgeting 10 Years Advanced
process copy Deadline Management 10 Years Advanced
businessplan Planning 10 Years Advanced
flexibility Flexability 10 Years Advanced
multitask Multitasking 10 Years Advanced
meeting Working Collaboratively 10 Years Advanced
detail Attention to Detail 10 Years Advanced
FactoryYellow Production 10 Years Advanced
pressure Creativity Under Pressure 10 Years Advanced